Tag Archives: eales


I was diagnosed with peripheral proliferative retinopathy when I was 39.

I don’t have diabetes or high blood pressure and I was tested from head to toe. My only test that came back high was a sedimentation rate test.

I had 7 laser surgeries in my left eye and 5 in my right eye. I had hemorrhaging in both eyes. After all of my testing I was told that I had Eales disease.

I have been to four doctors. One at Northwestern University-Dr. Lee Jampol and he recommended Dr. David Orth. I went to Dr. Orth for 20 yrs and now I go to an associate, Dr. Kirk Packo.

I have a partially detached retina from scar tissue pulling on the retina and they are watching it. Dr. Orth no longer operates and that is why I go to Dr. Packo.

I want to go as long as I can without the surgery.
Marilyn Quinn


In 1983, 31 years old, I was diagnosed Eales disease after some floaters appeared in my left eye. I had several (xenon)laser photocoagulation first in my left eye and later also in my right eye. in the folowing years I had more laser photocoagulation and also cryocoagulation. In both eyes I had a vitrectomiy and in both eyes a lens exchange, in my left eye twice (claw lens).
With regards,


I want to now if there are people in the Netherland (Holland) who has the same illness.
Mine Mother had the illness also, and for 14 years ago i have lost my left eye and the right is preopperative, the english is to bad to understand evryting good bye Gerda

Mycobacterial load in the vitreous of patients

Purpose: To report mycobacterial load in the vitreous of patients labeled as having Eales’ disease.
Methods: Eighty-eight patients were prospectively enrolled into 3 groups: 28 patients with so-called Eales’ disease (group A); 30 positive controls with specific uveitis syndromes (group B), and 30 negative controls (group C). The undiluted vitreous humor samples were collected and subjected to real-time PCR assay for MPB64 gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and load quantified.

Results: Sixteen (57.14%) vitreous fluid samples in group A; 1 sample in group B, and none of the samples in group C were positive for MTB genome from the vitreous. The copies of MTB genomes in the positive samples in group A were 1.52 × 104 to 1.01 × 106.

Conclusion: MTB genome was demonstrated in more than 50% of vitreous fluid samples with significant bacillary load, indicating that half of patients with so-called Eales’ disease are indeed cases of tubercular vasculitis.

Read More:
Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in So-called Eales’ Disease


India/2001/Eales Disease/Dr.C.S.T
Blind doctor set to practice medicine

DNIS News Network – Dr Toppo, who became the first blind person in the country to successfully complete his medical course, is now all set to practice medicine following his registration with Delhi Medical Council.
Dr Christ Sudarshan Toppo, the first blind person to receive his MBBS degree from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), has registered himself with the Delhi Medical Council and is all set to start his medical practice.

The Statesman had first reported Dr Toppo’s feat soon after he received his MBBS degree at the 33rd annual convocation of the premier medical institute.

The doctor has, however, not yet decided about his field of specialisation. “I am going through the options before me. I will make my decision only after considering all the options,” he said.

Dr Toppo was diagnosed with Eales disease, an inflammation of eye veins which causes frequent bleeding in the eyes, a month before his final MBBS exam. Following the diagnosis he had to discontinue his studies to undergo treatment.

However, once it became evident that he would not regain his vision, Dr Toppo, instead of losing heart, decided to complete his studies. He took his final exams in 2002 conducted by AIIMS and completed his internship in 2003.



My name is Alexandru Popescu, I’m 23 years old and live in Breaza.
Eight months ago I was diagnosed with Eales syndrome (destruction of blood vessels in the right eye).
I was hospitalized in Bucharest, where I received treatment with Prednison, Edtamin – intravenous vitamin C.
Four times I had laser photocoagulation, but each time vitriene and retinal hemorrhages relapsed.
I was suspected tuberculosis and allergies, and I even followed a TB treatment, but this was not the diagnosis.
Doctors do not give me too many explanations about my disease and I write every hospital “improved” the health card,
but each time is repeated hemorrhage. I would like to ask those who met with a situation like mine to help me.
Thank you all so much.
Alexandru Popescu – Breaza, tel. 092/46.96.46

[Original text from Formula AS – Nr. 386/1999 magazine]

“Am fost diagnosticat cu sindromul Eales”
Va scriu nutrind nadejdea ca printre numerosii dvs. cititori s-ar putea gasi cineva sa ma ajute.
Ma numesc Alexandru Popescu, am 23 de ani si locuiesc in Breaza.
In urma cu opt luni am fost diagnosticat cu sindromul Eales (distrugerea vaselor de sange la ochiul drept).
Am fost internat in Bucuresti, unde mi s-a administrat tratament cu Prednison, Edtamin – intravenos, Vitamina C.
De patru ori am facut fotocoagulare cu laser, dar de fiecare data hemoragiile retiniene si vitriene au recidivat.
Am fost suspectat si de o alergie tuberculostatica si am urmat chiar un tratament Tbc, insa nu acesta era diagnosticul.
Medicii nu-mi dau prea multe explicatii despre boala mea si la fiecare externare imi scriu “ameliorat” pe carnetul de sanatate,
dar de fiecare data hemoragia se repeta. Doresc sa-i rog pe cei care s-au intalnit cu o situatie ca a mea sa ma ajute.
Va multumesc tuturor din suflet.
Alexandru Popescu – Breaza, tel. 092/46.96.46



A year ago I was diagnosed with Eales syndrome (destruction of blood vessels in the eye). I was hospitalized and I was given treatment with Prednison, Edtamin – intravenous vitamin C. I made five laser photocoagulation, but each time vitriene and retinal hemorrhages relapsed. Doctors do not give me too many explanations about my illness. At every exit from the hospital  they wrote “improved” on the medical letter, but each time the hemorrhage repeated. I’m tired of beating the way to hospital. Thank you.

[Original Text in Romanian Language, from “Formula AS” magazine Nr. 838/2008]

“Cum se poate vindeca definitiv sindromul Eales?”

In urma cu un an am fost diagnosticat cu sindromul Eales (distrugerea vaselor de sange la ochi). Am fost internat si mi s-a administrat tratament cu Prednison, Edtamin – intravenos, Vitamina C. Am facut de cinci ori fotocoagulare cu laser, dar de fiecare data hemoragiile retiniene si vitriene au recidivat. Medicii nu-mi dau prea multe explicatii despre boala mea. La fiecare externare imi scriu “ameliorat” pe scrisoarea medicala, dar de fiecare data hemoragia se repeta. M-am saturat sa tot bat drumul la spital. Va multumesc.